456 research outputs found

    Recreation, tourism and nature in a changing world : proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas : Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 30-June 3, 2010

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    Proceedings of the fifth international conference on monitoring and management of visitor flows in recreational and protected areas : Wageningen, the Netherlands, May 30-June 3, 201

    SASTDes tool indicator database. SASTDes WP3.1-3.4 Report.

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    Tourist activities description. SASTDes WP3.6 Report

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    Initial Study on Controllable Roofing System to Tailor Building Solar Loads for Increased HVAC Efficiency

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    Space heating and cooling account for a significant percentage of a building's overall energy usage profile. The construction of a building's envelope is an essential component that impacts the overall heating and cooling load. For many years, flat roofs were covered with low albedo materials such as asphalt or modified bitumen, which can reach temperatures of 60 C-80 C during summer months. More recently, alternative technologies, such as "white roofs," have been put forth to mitigate the problem of unwanted thermal gain. However, these traditional roofing materials and recent innovations are passive structures and only promote seasonal benefits. This paper proposes and demonstrates the concept of a controllable reflectance roofing system that can tailor solar loads to desired heating or cooling, significantly reducing overall space heating and cooling energy requirements and costs


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    The title compound, C12H6N4O8, is a biphenyl system that was synthesized as a building block for a new series of anti­malarial compounds. The aromatic rings are oriented at a dihedral angle of 45.5 (2)°, and inter­molecular short O⋯O contacts form a chain along the b axis. The strength of the inter­actions involved in this chain cause one of the rings to be slightly distorted, with the torsion angle between the nitro groups being 23.4 (2)°, whereas, in the other ring, both nitro systems are parallel, forming an angle of 9.6 (2)° with the plane of the aromatic ring to which they are bound. Furthermore, the three ring C atoms around the ring–ring linkage belong to a plane inclined by 4.5 (1)° in relation to the plane containing the other three C atoms, i.e. (NO2–)C—C—C(NO2). This distortion of the ring causes uncommonly short intermolecular O⋯O [3.038 (2) Å] and O⋯C [3.000 (4) and 3.214 (1) Å] contacts

    Biologische bestrijding sclerotiënrot in witlof

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    Results of experiments with the fungus Coniothyrium minitans for biological control of Sclerotinia sclerotiorum in lettuce. Method and time of application were investigate

    Ontsnippering Zuid-Kennemerland : nut en noodzaak van faunapassages bij de Zandvoortselaan, spoorlijn Haarlem-Zandvoort en Zeeweg

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    In opdracht van PWN Waterleidingbedrijf Noord-Holland en Vereniging Natuurmonumenten is nut en noodzaak onderzocht van faunapassages bij infrastructurele barrières in het duingebied rond Zandvoort. Het betreft natuurverbindingen bij de Zandvoortselaan, spoorlijn Haarlem-Zandvoort en Zeeweg. Doel van deze natuurverbindingen is het opheffen van de versnippering binnen het Nationaal Park Zuid-Kennemerland en tussen dit nationale park en de Amsterdamse Waterleidingduinen. Tevens is onderzocht of dergelijke natuurverbindingen voor diverse vormen van routegebonden natuurrecreatie een meerwaarde kan betekenen